2021-2022 Programs
Artscapes Teen Program
This school year we'll be facilitating an in depth program for teens. The participants will be selected to by application and nomination. The youth will be working together to create a self-directed project such as creating a mural, organizing a group gallery show, or publishing a book. They will be provided the direction and resources needed to plan and execute the project. They will also have access to two visiting artist who will assist in their projects.
Participants will be asked to commit to the full term of the program. Meetings will be held at the Forest View Studio. Details and online application will be available soon.
Art 4 Kids
Art 4 Kids is back for the 2021-2022 school year! Classes will be held at Walters State Community College's Newport Center. More details to come soon.
Arts Access Dance Series
In 2021 we will be introducing dance to our lineup of adventures. In this series, participants will be taught the elements fox trot, waltz, ballroom, and other classic dances. The classes are for all skill levels and 100% accessible for mobility levels of all types. Missy and Alan Watts will be leading the program. They have over thirty years of experience each teaching dance. Details and sign ups are open now